Начинает работу наша постоянная рубрика "Cat-Wise & Company" (постоянство гарантировано выполнением домашнего задания, надеюсь, лень мне не помешает), в которой будут храниться рассказы на английском языке. Это различные, забавные и не очень, истории из жизни Ученого Кота.
И так, первый рассказ. Он небольшой. Скажем так: первое появление Ученого Кота, т.е. знакомство.
Понеслась! т.е. читать дальше...Once upon a time there was a Cat. It is a Cat who will be called as the Cat-Wise. He lived alone on a tree but he felt not lonely. He was cheerful and enjoied reading books. He told people who came to him facinating legends and fabels. His stories were very interesting and instructive, sometims they were humorous.
Once the Cat decided to publish a book with his legends and fables. Then he began to write novels, short stories, plays. He wrote about travels, nationals treasures, about eternal themes. People loved these stories. Cat-Wise received a proposal to publish an article in a scientific journal!
Cat-Wise became popoular and favorite. That's about him Pushkin wrote in his famous poem "Ruslan and Ludmila".
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