воскресенье, 24 марта 2013
Вот и пришло время нашей постоянной рубрики рассказов о Ученом Коте. Это небольшая детективная история, возможно, банальная. И так, поехали!
Friend's book or Cat-Wise detective
читать дальшеAfter his succes in literature, Cat-Wise became a detective.
One day his best friend, cat Tom, came to him. Tom said that he had lost one thing and he asked him to help to find it. Cat-Wise agreed to help. Cat began to investigate the case. He began to interrogate witnesses, but no one saw. Cat supposed that Tom put his thing somewhere at home and fogot about it. But it was a lie...
A week later... Cat-Wise decided to do cleaning at home and... found the lost thing! It was a favorite friend's book. He couraged and honestly told him all. Cat fogot that a month ago Tom gave him this book. The friend was rewarding to him. Cat-Wise was happy.
Порадовало - всё так мило закончилось
Единственная ошибка,и то не специально
Мне очень нравятся твои рассказы!Очень миило ^_^
Спасибо, мне очень приятно!
Cat supposed thet
Надеюсь, их больше нет)